Local History Potluck: Assassination at the State House

6:15 PM - 8:00 PM
Clark County Public Library
Rosemary C. Brooks Community Room

Event Details

Kentucky author Ron Elliott’s detailed examination of the vitriolic 1899 political campaign, the ensuing assassination of William Goebel and the resulting political and civil turmoil sheds an informative and intriguing light into this darkest corner of Kentucky’s history. The author’s equally fascinating investigation of the criminal proceedings, which lasted twenty years, and the political legacy of this quintessential story of Kentucky politics prove that “politics are the damnedest” in Kentucky. This is a rewritten version of an earlier book by the same title. The 1994 book of 65,000 words has been expanded to over 110,000 words, with new research and editing, for a superb new historical narrative.

Bring a dish and join us for this interesting program; it is free and open to the public. You may also come at 6:50 PM if you would prefer not to enjoy the potluck. Either way, to ensure you have a seat, make a reservation.

Event Type(s): Adult Program

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